Instructors of the Welland Wado-Kai Karate Clubs
The instructors of the Welland Wado-Kai Karate Clubs are dedicated to the teaching of karate not only for self-defence purposes, but also for character building, and the development of self-confidence, physical fitness and camaraderie. As the clubs are a non-profit organization, all instructors are strictly volunteers, whose only goal is the development of students in the art rather than the collection of money. In short, they teach because they love karate, and they want to put back into the organization, the benefits which they obtained from it.
The fact that these instructors are volunteers, however, does not mean that they are less qualified than those of the more expensive dojos. Each instructor is a certified black belt or brown belt who practices his or her own skills in karate on a regular basis. By attending seminars and workshops in addition to their regular workout, each is able to improve on his or her ability as an instructor, a tournament judge, and a practitioner of karate. In fact, most of the senior instructors in Welland have been invited by black belts from other clubs in North America to conduct seminars of their own.
The instructors are as follows:
Sensei Denis Labbé – Kudan (9th Dan) – Sensei Denis has been in Wado-Kai Karate since 1972, initially learning under the guidance of Sensei Masaru Shintani. Sensei Denis is responsible for the administrative duties in Welland and is the President of the Shintani Wado-Kai Karate Federation of Canada. He runs the Monday junior and adult Karate program. Sensei Denis also holds the position of President of the Welland Martial Arts Centre.
Sensei Ron Mattie – Hachidan (8th Dan) – Sensei Ron has been in Wado Kai Karate since 1973, initially learning under the guidance of Sensei Masaru Shintani. Sensei Ron chairs a number of committees in both the Welland Club and the Shintani Karate Federation. Besides teaching his Karate class, Sensei Ron also coaches the National Team and holds the position of Chief Instructor for the Shintani Karate Federation and was a member of the National Team from 1996-97. He also practices Iaido (Traditional Japanese Sword) where he is a 4th Dan and Kendo (2nd Dan). He runs the Friday adult Iaido and karate program and the Saturday morning MMA for kids program. Ron holds the position of Vice President of the Welland Martial Arts Centre.
Sensei Ray Poulin – Shichidan (7th Dan) – Sensei Ray has been in Wado Kai Karate since 1970, initially learning under the guidance of Sensei Masaru Shintani. Sensei Ray was the founder of the Welland YMCA Wado Kai Karate Club. He runs the Sunday Shindo program and is an assistant instructor for Sensei Ron Mattie (Friday adult Karate program).
Sensei Anne Readhead – Rokudan (6th Dan) – Sensei Anne has been in Wado Kai Karate since 1985 under the guidance of Sensei Denis Labbé. Anne belongs to several committees in the Welland club and also practices Iaido (Traditional Japanese Sword) 1st Dan. Anne holds the position of Secretary/Treasurer.
Sensei John Thompson – Godan (5th Dan) – Sensei John has been in Wado‑Kai Karate since 1978 under the guidance of Sensei Ron Mattie. Sensei John is also the club’s Graphic Artist and practices Iaido (1st Dan). He is a member of the grading committee and runs the Thursday adult Karate Kata classes.
Sensei Ron Ryan ‑ Yondan (4th Dan) ‑ Sensei Ron has been in Wado‑Kai Karate since 1990. He began Karate as a student of Sensei Peter Ciolfi. He is presently under the guidance of Sensei Alain Bisier. Sensei Ron is also a Shodan Black Belt in the Art of Judo. He runs the Saturday morning MMA for Kids program.
Sensei Steffannie Hancharyk – Yondan (4th Dan) – Sensei Steffannie has been in Wado Kai Karate since 2016 under the guidance of Sensei Ron Mattie. Steffannie has a 3rd dan in Goju Ryu and is certified in Chen modified Yang style Tai Chi. She is a member of the Fund Raising Committee. She runs the weekly Special needs program, the Saturday Morning Tai Chi and MMA for kids program.
Sensei Kristen Ryan – Sandan (3rd Dan) – Sensei Kristen has been in Wado Kai Karate since 1998 under the guidance of Sensei Denis Labbé. Sensei Kristen runs the Saturday MMA for Kids program.
Sensei Shannon DeForest – Sandan (3rd Dan) – Sensei Shannon has been in Wado Kai Karate since 1998 under the guidance of Sensei Denis Labbé. Sensei Shannon is a member of the Fundraising, Grading, and Tournament Committee. She is an assistant instructor for Sensei Denis Labbé (Monday junior program).
Sensei Randy Mullin – Sandan (3rd Dan) – Sensei Randy has been in Wado Kai Karate since 2009 under the guidance of Sensei Ron Mattie. Sensei Randy is the Regional Representative for the Niagara Region. He has trained in Shotokan and Goju Ryu. Sensei Randy has a Nidan (2nd dan) in Iaido. He is a member of the Tournament Committee.
Sensei Robert Primerano ‑ Nidan (2nd Dan) ‑ Sensei Robert has been in Wado‑Kai Karate since 1994 under the guidance of Sensei Denis Labbé. Sensei Robert is a member of the Special Event Committee and the Fund Raiser Committee.
Sensei Steven Nagy – Nidan (2nd Dan) – Sensei Steven has been in Wado Kai Karate since 2009 under the guidance of Sensei Denis Labbé. Sensei Steven is a member and Chair of the Marketing Committee, a member of the Fundraising, Inter-Club Tournament, and the Tournament Committee. He is an assistant instructor for Sensei Denis Labbé (Monday junior program).
Sensei Tom LIszt – Shodan (1st Dan) – Sensei Tom has been in Wado Kai Karate since 2013 under the guidance of Sensei Denis Labbé. Sensei Tom is a member of the Marketing and the Tournament Committee.
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